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© Arne Elofsson

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Statistics of finished jobs by countries

Country Numseq Numjob NumIP
United States 33907 4379 450
Germany 31316 676 172
France 30159 681 76
Denmark 29547 3248 19
Greece 16216 929 126
Switzerland 14110 112 22
India 5600 281 94
United Kingdom 5323 928 207
Canada 2139 335 88
Philippines 2128 6 1
Peru 1347 15 8
Indonesia 824 93 40
Spain 722 646 149
Turkey 655 179 42
Portugal 644 539 151
Japan 595 307 57
Iran, Islamic Republic of 525 508 125
Argentina 513 513 102
Chile 504 197 53
Italy 444 324 109
Sweden 411 161 48
China 401 223 89
Poland 381 352 48
Mexico 374 333 109
Australia 280 223 87
Czechia 280 252 76
Belgium 266 85 31
Algeria 220 218 152
Hong Kong 209 7 5
Norway 101 70 22
Malta 84 17 3
Netherlands 80 80 24
Malaysia 77 73 19
Brazil 70 55 24
Costa Rica 69 5 1
Russian Federation 67 67 12
Romania 56 32 7
Korea, Republic of 43 40 18
Slovenia 36 30 4
Colombia 31 31 12
Israel 27 27 13
Palestine, State of 16 12 3
Taiwan, Province of China 13 13 9
Tunisia 12 12 4
Pakistan 11 11 7
South Africa 10 10 6
Singapore 10 10 6
Lebanon 10 6 1
Thailand 9 9 9
Bangladesh 7 7 5
Panama 7 7 5
Bulgaria 6 6 1
Jordan 5 5 5
Austria 4 4 2
Croatia 4 4 4
Uruguay 4 4 2
Estonia 4 4 1
Saudi Arabia 2 2 2
Ireland 2 2 2
Belarus 2 2 1
Finland 1 1 1
Viet Nam 1 1 1
Slovakia 1 1 1
CuraƧao 1 1 1
Hungary 1 1 1